Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More Fun With Linq

Say you have a class named BannedProgram and it has a collection of DayOfWeek and a string ProcessName. Now the collection of DayOfWeek is basically a way to set the days of the week it's banned. With this you want to create a collection of these BannedPrograms, each with their own names and days they are banned. Simple, I know. Next you have a list of processes that are currently running and you want to get all the processes that match the names in the BannedPrograms list AND if the current day is a banned day. First you need the day checked function:

private static Func<DayOfWeek, Boolean> dayIsToday = 
  currentDay => currentDay == DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek;

Then you need the method to get the banned processes that are currently running:

private static Process[] GetBannedProcesses(BannedProgram[] programs, Process[] processes)
  var processList = from process in processes
    from program in programs
    where program.DaysBanned.Any(dayIsToday)
    select program.ProcessName
  select process;

  return processList.ToArray();
What this is doing: Well if you look at this:
from program in programs
where program.DaysBanned.Any(dayIsToday)
select program.ProcessName
This is going to grab any BannedProgram that has a DayOfWeek that matches today and it will select only it's name. This will give you a list of names of the BannedProcesses that can not be played today.
var processList = from process in processes
  from program in programs
  where program.DaysBanned.Any(dayIsToday)
  select program.ProcessName
This checks to see if any of the currently running processes have a name that matches a name in the banned program list. And now you have a list of processes to kill. Yay. Not sure this is a big deal, just thought it was a fun example of using linq and subselects. USING???
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceProcess;
using System.Windows.Forms;

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